Why Workers Under Your Supervision Aren’t Performing as Desired?

by Gerald L. DeSalvo

Are you having difficulty getting some employees to perform up to expectations and are not sure why?  This article will discuss the wide variety of factors that can affect their performance.

Consideration of these factors in your analysis of the employee’s performance should help you find the solutions for them.  It should also help you to focus on those factors that you can realistically influence, while minimizing time and effort on factors outside of your control.

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How to Improve Your Workplace Training Skills

by Gerald L. DeSalvo

Have you ever been asked to train a new employee or coworker on a new task or procedure? 

Did you feel uncomfortable in accepting because you had no prior experience as a workplace trainer?  If so, this article can help you with this task by offering a concise, practical model for you to follow when creating workplace training experiences for your coworkers.

Continue reading “How to Improve Your Workplace Training Skills”